Sunday, December 28, 2008

What I love About Sundays!

don't know about you, but I really dislike Sundays. The fact that I have a day off is overshadowed by the looming start of work or uni the following day. I spend so much time getting all excited about the weekend that by the time it comes, I just need a good, long hug to remind me that it will be back again soon. With all this in mind, I though it best to write a list of all the things that where exploding with positivity so I can feel better. I'll get to that part a bit later and focus on updating you all on what went down last night first.

Jess, Zoe and I went to Cobra Snake dance party along with hundreds of other amazingly dressed people. It's a bit strange when you feel so wonderful about what you're wearing and then seen stacks of people looking stunning and you just think - Ahhh... totally not good enough!! But anyway, drinks were cheap - $6 for a basic with Stoli, so I was happy! We danced and talked to people, I got commented on my flower 3 times, my shoes once and my stockings once. So I felt pretty good. We waited until 12.30 for Cobra Snake, but we couldn't see him - so after sweating out the contents of the Wivenhoe Damn we were planning to leave. But Zoƫ got a talking' to a photographer there, and he gave us his card and told us all about a website he runs, you get free entrance to clubs and exposure in tern for taking party pictures. I think that this would be a really good idea. I'm thinking about creating my own website which would incorporate photos and blogs - sort of like it is now, but hopefully better. The aim would be to have advertising, so I could make some money while I'm traveling - see, these are the crazy plans I dream up when I have too much free time! Anyway, I got my picture taken by two different club photographers, so that's very exciting - sadly not Cobra Snake. We went to 299 and danced and danced some more. A friend drove us home and as we were walking through the Valley Mall saw a guy with blood running down his face, and a taxi that had been pulled over by police, so something interesting there. Stuie drives like a crazy, crazy man. We were doing 160 on the Western Freeway - which is 90. Strangely, I've felt far less safe in other peoples' cars when doing the speed limit. Yeah, that's pretty much my weekend. Yes, I know I'm amazingly interesting *eye roll*

Sales are on, if you need some help as to what you should spend your money on, I've made a list of my suggestions below.

What I Love About Sundays (WiLAS)
  1. Staying in pjs all day
  2. Getting up at 11
  3. My ranbow Unni Virka blanket from Ikea
  4. Cons with Maxi dresses
  5. Going to the movies
  6. Pink nail polish

Movie time!

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